How to get through the last of Blue January

It’s not THAT long until spring…

Welcome to the month of general suffering and depression.

So we’ve had 31 days of rain, breaking New Year’s resolutions and post-Christmas-turkey cravings. This is hard to endure by anybody’s standards.

Yet for those of us feeling the struggle of another semester fear not. There are ways to beat Blue January.

Let’s not forget you’ve just had your student loan. Surfacing from your overdraft for the first time in seven weeks is a relief to say the least.

The thought of all the things you can spend it on is liberating: the possibilities are endless. It’s hard not to get too excited.

Here’s how to survive the rest of the month to get you smiling again

You can actually afford cocktails in January

A night or six on Broad Street is just the beginning.

You can drink yourself into oblivion – whether it’s a post-deadline binge or purely a way of leaving your worries and strife behind you in the sober world. What better way to christen semester two than with a night on the raz with your friends?

Another thing that’ll cheer up the monotony of January is going out for meals. Whether it’s at Brindley Place – a destination for the more refined and sophisticated – or at the cheap and cheerful Selly Sausage, it’s going to cheer you up.

Eating out is a sure way to leave the rest of your January Blues at home. You can stuff your face with food you didn’t have to search for in the back of your sad, empty cupboard for. Whoever utters the words “shall we order a take away”, is always on to a winner. Always.

Local glory

Pizza is a must-have

Or if you’re too depressed to get out of your pyjamas, why not use up those Domino’s coupons from Fresher’s Fair and gorge yourself on discounted pizza in the comfort of your own home.

Put on a film and eagerly await the sound of the doorbell – music to your expectant ears.

Finally, you might as well embrace those long, winter nights and just sleep.

The need for sleep during a month that lacks so much sunlight is one as strong as thirst or hunger, so why not give a few of those 9am lectures a miss this semester to avoid getting up while it’s still dark?

Wrap yourself in your duvet and dream of a better month. After all, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…