What do you think of the racist graffiti on campus?

The vandals wrote ‘kill Islam before it kills you’ and ‘Islam must die’

It’s been two weeks since the first messages were found.

This week, more graffiti was found in the Arts building toilets.

The responses to the Islamophobic graffiti have included local and national news coverage, as well as an anti-Fascism demonstration outside the library on Holocaust Memorial day.

Stefanos, a first year International Relations and Politics student, said: “I don’t understand why anyone would do this, especially in Birmingham.

“It’s just immature.”

This student was also disgusted how immature it was

Engineering student Callum McGillivray said: “The level of coverage has just played into the hands of whoever did this, because they just went back and did it again.

“Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame.”

One anonymous student, however, didn’t see what all the fuss was about.

Sticks and stones?

Students feel there is no excuse

Another first year, Rhiannon Storer, criticised the University for being slow to release a statement.

She said: “They have a responsibility to respond to things like this.

“It’s the 21st Century. How can this stuff still exist?”

If you have any information about the recent graffiti on campus please contact the West Midlands Police.