The Uptone Girls crashed a Chemical Engineering lecture and sang No Diggity

Flashmobs are still a thing

Startled freshers enjoyed a rather unusual twist to their lecture as Song Soc organised a surprise flashmob.

The Uptone Girls snuck into Law Theatre One on Monday, alongside founder and president of The Songwriters Society, to raise awareness for their Adopt a Charity week.

Chemical Engineering lecturer Helen Onyeaka was evidently confused at the extra female pupils, having a class of mainly boys.

Two minutes into the lecture, Sophie Novell began the first line of No Diggity surprising the rest of the room.

The Uptone girls and Autumn Evans

The rest of The Uptone Girls quickly joined in and performed their mash up of No Diggity, Superstition and Survivor.

They finished to a large applause and quickly ran out.

Autumn Evans, 21, founder of Songwriters Society and organiser of the event, told The Tab: “It was a great way to get people to hear about our live music event and a lot of fun.”

Ben Fleet, 19, who was in the lecture offered his congratulations to the girls, saying it made a very boring lecture a little less boring.

They are hosting a live music night at the Lounge on February 11.