Which are the best halls at Birmingham?

Nobody said Tennis Courts

With Mason egging Tennis Courts, and pretty much everyone swerving Liberty Court, it was time to find out which halls really are the best.

Amaru, first year, Drama

“Jarratt Hall is great. I love orange.”

Maddie, second year, Psychology

“Maple Bank. It’s cheap and sometimes works.”

Nick and Josh, first year, Philosophy

Nick: “Liberty Close. Good ensuite and close to Broad Street.”

Josh: “Jarratt Hall. The social life seems good.”

Sean, first year, Computer Systems Engineering

“If I don’t say Elgar Court my flat will murder me, but I like Mason.”

Nick, first year, English

“Mason. En-suite.”

Oli, second year, Ancient History

“Very obviously Mason. The en-suite is invaluable.”

Amogh, first year, Computer Systems Engineering

“Chamberlain because it’s close to Morrison’s. We also have really really nice sofas.”

Bede, first year, Computer Science

“I think Chamberlain will be the best, once they finish it.”

Charlotte, first year, Russain and Spanish

“Anything that isn’t Maple Bank.”

Lewis, first year, Law

“Not being in halls. Boom.”