Joe’s awarded best student bar in Birmingham

They’ve won for the last eight years in a row

Best Bar None accreditation – the self-proclaimed “Oscars of pub management” – have awarded our beloved Joe’s Bar best student bar for the eighth consecutive year.

The national award scheme is supported by the Home Office, and aims to promote responsible management and operation of alcohol licensed premises.

Best Bar None rewards venues based on how they’re operated, rewarding Joe’s with a perfect score of 100.

The Guild President looking very happy with his 100/100

They also aim to reduce alcohol related crime and disorder, something which the Guild has recently emphasised trialing the use of breathalysers at Fab and sports night last year.

In a Facebook post, the Guild of Students said: “A big well done to all of our venues staff and an even bigger thank you to all the UoB students who love Joe’s as much as we do.”

It also seems students agree with Bar None’s decision to give Joe’s the award.

Third year Chemical Engineering student Phil said: “I like Joe’s, my friends all like Joe’s. It’s good.

“I do think the award’s pretty well deserved, I’ve definitely been kicked out of Fab for irresponsible drinking before, so well done Joe’s.”