Forget Fab, Pryzm is the future of Birmingham’s nightlife
Why go anywhere else?
Earlier this month it was revealed that Broad Street’s infamous Gatecrasher will be reopening with a new name and – thankfully – brand new management as part of the Pryzm chain.
With clubs in cities such as Brighton, Bristol and Cardiff, it’s fair to say that Brum should expect big things. But is Pryzm going to be the superclub we all wanted Gatecrasher to be? Or will it sucumb to the same problems?
The Tab spoke to some students who have their very own Pryzms to see if this is the beginning of a brand new Broad Street.
Aimee, Third Year Classics at Bristol
Aimee reckons Pryzm could bring the biggest and best parties to Broad Street.
She said: “Pryzm is a great fun place, with a variety of rooms for everyone! In Bristol Pryzm are notorious for the biggest Halloween parties and ending the biggest bar crawls.”
James, Second Year Geography at Cardiff
James kept it short and sweet, telling us what we all wanted to know: “Disco room is life.”
Sam, Second Year Journalism at Cardiff
Though not everybody loves the disco room’s repetitive cheese, Sam said: “It’s just an Oceana, really. But it’s nice to turn up in a new place and know what to expect when you go into a club, but it can get boring quickly.
“The disco room plays 90s music, which is good the first few times, until you work out its the same playlist each time you go.”
Andy, Second Year Chemistry at Cardiff
Andy reassured us that there will be no gatecrashers at Pryzm, as security is “really good”.
He added: “I can’t really recall any time where it’s been negative, it’s a really good club. Drinks are a little pricey, but security is really good.”
Laura, Second Year Psychology at Cardiff
Laura says the biggest negative is Pryzm’s prices. If that’s the biggest negative, well then just shut up and take our money.
She told The Tab: “The disco room is amazing, but the other rooms not as great. The only bad part of Pryzm is the prices, I think.”
All in all, Pryzm is set to be a serious contender for our much coveted student loans, especially as we all love a bit of cheesy disco, but as we all know anything can happen on Broad Street. Let’s just hope the security lives up to the hype.