A definitive list of the best places to study on campus
Turns out there’s more than the Mason Lounge
Term’s kicked off again, and as it’s January you’re probably telling yourself that this is really going to be the term when you finally get your head down and don’t leave everything to the last minute. So, as we enter the last push, we’re here to help you find the best place to do just that (or to frantically cram your essay into the few days before the due date).
Back to the grind
Purple room (Main Library)
Working hard
The purple room is at the back of the main library, and has computers, as well as both group tables and smaller ones if you’re by yourself. As it’s in the main library, it’s pretty central, so you can go off and find books, there’s a printer in the room, and there’s loads of places to plug in laptops or phones. The only downside is that it can be tricky to find a seat when the library is always busy.
ilounge (Main Library)
Give me caffeine
Gets a little busy around lunch but has loads of tables, sofas, and most importantly, is a café so you are directly next to a source of caffeine. Also, as it is in the library, you don’t even have to leave the building to get books or print something if you need to. If you’re looking for peace and quiet it might not be the best place, but it’s pretty relaxed and you can talk if you need to, so it’s a good spot for group work.
Arts lounge (Arts building)
Those sofas definitely look good for a nap
Located underneath the mason lounge in the Arts Building and is a bit of a hidden gem. It’s generally quiet throughout the day, and has a few tables, sofas, and computers. It’s another place where it is quiet but you can talk as well, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to find a spot.
Just like home
Suicide booths (Main Library)
Literally silent
The suicide booths are the little cupboards with desks in in the quiet zones of the library. They’re amazing if you need somewhere to properly concentrate and hammer out an essay, but the intense silence has caused some to think introspectively, which makes pretty deep questions for those who use the desk opposite.
I don’t know, I just don’t know
Learning centre
Oo modern
A little further away from the centre of campus, the learning centre has loads of computer clusters and a few tables to do work on as well, so it’s probably better for those who don’t bring in laptops. While it can get pretty busy, unlike the main library it’s unlikely that you won’t find a space.
The Guild
It’s even got bean bags
Bright, relaxed and comfortable with loads of comfy chairs and table space. Again, perfect place to do group work because of the huge tables, and you won’t get any death stares if you want to chat. But, it is a bit distracting knowing that you are just a few metres away from the very place you will be downing a VK and telling your friends you love them every Stuesday.