Snobs is the best club for second years
Freshers can’t handle it and final years don’t have the time
Snobs is an oldie but a goodie and it is well established for its fun and unpretentious vibe. It’s absolutely the best club to go to when you’re in second year: freshers are fearful of the almighty place and poor final years are suffering at the hands of their dissertation.
Now a resident at Snobs, us second years never miss a Thursday night there – it’s part of who we are. It’s cheap and cheerful, especially on Vodbull Thursday’s where drinks start from £1.25. The Snobs experience cannot commence until picking up your ticket for only a fiver from THE Christina Feng. From there, the best club night of the week awaits. Here’s what makes it so great:
forever trying to act sober for the camera
The music
From classic RnB, timeless indie bangers or fundamental pop anthems you’ll find your vibe at Snobs. The ground floor is a standard mesh of pop and disco, and every clubber lives for the precious few moments when you can sing along to Dexy’s midnight Runners, ‘Come on Eileen’.
Take it up a floor and you’re now in the lion’s den. It’s sweaty and it’s crowded. Snobs takes no victims, it’s only a rite of passage you leave looking like a drowned rat. Its sticky, sizzling, and easily the most sexual dance floor on earth. Sorry, this a freshers no zone.
the clique
The vibe
People in snobs are there to have a good time; attendees are usually the ones ready to sack off Friday lectures. Instead of the Rainbow ravers, who seem to routinely require glittery faces and a 90s bomber jacket from Cow Vintage, the people of Snobs are unique.
In Birmingham, it’s refreshing to be on a night out where people aren’t grinding their jaws away to a boneless mush. You’re not trying to impress anyone like your new fresher mates, in fact you are slowly developing into a cool final year student who has found their vibe…and you can only find it in Snobs.
say cheese
The People
Whether you’re a baby faced fresher or in your fifth year of your chemical engineering course, you’ll likely recognize most faces in Snobs. And if you don’t, then they will end up being the people in Snobs that you’ll recognize until the end of your uni career.
Thankfully, the place is swarming with fellow second year students, who are like you and still can’t decide whether to remain acting like a foolish fresher or start acting with some maturity and going home to begin that essay.
don’t judge
The employees
As this is a dedicated anthem to our beloved Snobs, it is worth mentioning that the shining toilet attendants are the best in Brum. Especially the ladies’ toilets: Mary will tell you exactly how fabulous you look, or they’ll even wake up your drunken mate whose been unconscious on the loo all evening. They are the upper echelon of good people, no standard Snobs night is complete without a good old chinwag with these lot.
Then there’s the patient staff behind the bar. They put up with us, even when we can barely string a sentence together.
we love you Tina we do, oh Tina we love you
It’s cheap
A vodka-red bull on a Thursday is unquestionably cheap. On a student night it only costs a fraction of what a night jamming at the Arcadian will set you back.
the end is nigh
Perhaps it hasn’t got the uniqueness of Rainbow or the classiness of Mechu, but it’s Snobs…you can’t beat it, so why try.