A step-by-step guide to avoiding FOMO

For when you’ve maxed out your overdraft and you’re still going out four times a week

FOMO is probably a concept you’re all too familiar with, but to those who are unaware, it’s an acronym for ‘fear of missing out’. It describes the ‘uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you’re missing out’.

Everyone may experience FOMO in different ways. For some people it’s the pangs of jealousy you get watching everyone’s Snapchat stories on a Sunday morning. For others, it may be a slightly deeper rooted anxiety that everyone is having too much fun without you.

Don’t have fun without me

At university it is inevitable you will experience some form of FOMO – whether it’s deadlines creeping up on you, freshers flu confining you to your bed, or just simply not being in the right mood for a night out.

So here are 5 tips to help you over come it:

Avoid social media

Yes, it may seem obvious but when you know your friends are out, but I guarantee it will be harder to do. Take the night off from Facebook and have a digital detox. This is great for calming you down as studies have shown that spending too much time on social media can lead to anxiety and loss of confidence.

Lauren doesn’t see the point of going out unless she puts the whole thing on her Snapchat story

Phone a friend

Take some time to call your bestie and just have a chat about all the gossip and happenings since you last spoke (of course, try and avoid the topic of your friends going out). You could even call your mum, your brother or your second cousin twice removed you only see once a year if you feel like it, as it will be guaranteed to take your mind off of your friends.

Make your room super cosy

Never underestimate the power of a few fairy lights and pillows. By creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere in your room you will feel more relaxed and excited to stay home because once you pull that duvet up, you will never want to leave again. You’re welcome.

Rather be here than Players

Midnight snack

Having some chocolate is the perfect remedy to any problem…it’s just science. Gather up some of your favourites and treat yourself to a feast for one. By having some familiar comfort foods, your mind will be more at ease, leaving you to stress less.

Movie magic

Stick on your favourite movie and let yourself be enthralled. Personally, I always find a light-hearted comedy will do the trick! Alternatively, you could read a book (yes, they do still exist), or do some work. The feeling of satisfaction in the morning will be 100x better than a hangover.