How to take the best photo of Old Joe
Can you even take a bad photo of Old Joe?
Make use of the weather and seasons
Mother nature rules. Trees and flowers both add colour and style to your pictures so try to include some seasonal shrubs. A firm favourite is Old Joe at the end of a rainbow because of the uniqueness. Unfortunately, this is tough to compete with

Picturesque isn’t it?
Image: anes_pandita

Who you trying to impress?
Image: honeyy_photography

Joe looking mystical
Image: cjnolan_photography

Have you got butterflies yet?
Image: rjamie95
Let’s face it, sunsets are the jackpots of Instagram – you literally see one every day but somehow you never get sick of them. The good thing is that these photos are pretty easy to take because the sun is doing all the work for you, all you need to do is take that photo and maybe up the saturation a little and you’ve got yourself #instagoals.
Image: isabellehayden

A sexy silhouette
Image: Andrew- engineer

Image: Dr John Fossey- School of Chemistry
It’s all about perspective
Just like with people, taking a photo of Old Joe from up close is just not a flattering angle for him. The photograph shown here with Joe and a Christmas tree is the perfect example of a good ‘close up’ photo because it’s not too imposing and doesn’t look like you’re trying to be a photographer for an architecture firm. Instead, try taking a step back – literally, in some cases, it’s almost the further away, the better because Joe looks so tall and dramatic.

My uni is better than yours
Image: stephen.f.p

New cover photo?
Image: lopezamar
Put a filter on it
Get those editing tools and funky filters ready because Old Joe looks great in these photos. A classic black and white filter is always going to be elegant and almost magazine-like so don’t hide away from your creativity – go wild!

Mysterious Joe
Image: ryantoanugroho

So artistic
Image: kumarchu

Beaming with pride
Image: hardeep.snaps
Featured image: petiteelise