Is it just me, or does every girl at uni wear all of these things?

A man’s best friend is a dog, a girl’s best friend are pleated culottes.

From the puffa coat to the pinafore dress, we’ve pinpointed 6 staples that every girl has/needs in her wardrobe right now.

The Pleated Culottes

When Topshop gave us the pleated culottes, women everywhere breathed a sigh of relief. Finally! Pyjama-like trousers which are as comfy, but not as visually offensive, as our Lizzie McGuire PJ bottoms that we always say we’ll throw out – (but what if I need them in the future?!) – We’ll take 10! A man’s best friend is a dog, a girl’s best friend are pleated culottes.

The Puffa Coat

From Tommy Hilfiger to M&S, anywhere you go you’ll find puffa coats in all colours of the rainbow calling for you to dig deeper into your overdraft. The puffa coat is not only perfect for a rainy day but also gives that duvet-like feel you need when you’re hanging like a bat in your lectures after a big night out.

The Sports Leggings

Been to the gym? Just woken up? Are these your only clean clothes? No one needs to know if you slip into your fave sports leggings before heading to campus.

The Vintage Jumper

One of the best trends has been the over-sized vintage jumper. We’ve dug out the sweater we bought at Disneyland 16 years ago and have – FINALLY – grown into, and we’ve bought the renewal pieces from UO. Wherever it comes from, as long as it’s soft, we love it.

The Mom Jeans

Mom jeans hold an important place in our hearts. Not only do they remind us of our 90’s childhoods, but they are also super comfy (unless you’re trying to get your shoes on).

The Pinafore Dress

We’re happy being the ‘cute’ one for once. Pinafore dresses in suede, velvet, and even cordurouy are the perfect way to wear all your favourite crop tops without having to get your tummy out. With tights in the winter, or bronzed legs in summer, we will be wearing pinafore dresses all year.