UoB accidentally leaked a final year History exam early

The exam was meant to be released on April 24th

A final year History exam, that was meant to be completed over 72 hours, has been leaked.

Final year History students and MAs who take a Special Subject at the University of Birmingham, have two weeks to complete an exam as a result of a security compromise on Monday afternoon.

Students originally had 72 hours to complete an exam which would be made available on Canvas at noon on the 24th of April. However, some of the papers were momentarily made available by accident during the upload process.

The papers were visible to students for approximately an hour and a small number had downloaded them during this period.

The department had deliberated on many solutions however, releasing the exam paper early is thought to have been the most beneficial and fair solution for students so the original deadline of noon 27th April remains.

Special Subject tutors will not be able to assist students with past papers as of an email sent by the department on Tuesday stating: the “exam has technically started now”.

However, work submitted before Tuesday will be able to receive feedback. This has further implicated on students who were preparing for a three day exam which is now two weeks.