The realities of living at home as a student, and why it’s really not that bad

What it’s truly like living with your parents and not in halls

Living at home for university seems at first a VERY bad idea. One of the biggest parts of university life is moving away from home, making a new life in a new city and meeting new people; it's not always that simple.

Before I started university, I dreamt of the uni life living on the other side of the country and ended up getting a place at the University of Hertfordshire.

When I arrived, I was confident that I could do it until the first day of induction was over and realised I had chosen the wrong course, was living 2/3 hours away from home, alone and, didn't even have the right pans for the oven to cook myself comfort food. To cut a long story short, I came home in five days and started university locally whilst living at home – it was the best decision I've ever made. Here's the ultimate list of good and bad thing's about living at home.

Let the bank shine upon you

Yes of course you're paying your parents rent but not nearly as much as you would be paying in student halls. It can become a little difficult to know when to stop buying unnecessary food… doughnuts and Ben and Jerry's tubs on the way home from a lecture.

Home cooked meals – mum's got your back

One of the greatest delights is when the air is icy, the streets are lit up and the moment you walk into the house your nose is treated with a chicken roasting. Or even when you hear you're going out for a meal! Mums can never worry if you're being fed or not if they're in charge of the kitchen.


So you don't have to wait for a pamper, there's a bath just upstairs waiting for you already. No way will you have to stand in a small box and with just a shower.

A TV licence

Yes they still exist. Last year the BBC wounded students when they announced they could no longer watch their favourite shows (GBBO) on the iPlayer without a licence… Thankfully it's on Channel Four now except living at home means recording it and winding on the adverts.

Family support

Depending on your relationship with your parents, you can get the best support from them after a long day or tough time at university. Having a heart to heart together is so much more comforting than over the phone or on Skype.

TAXI… no sorry, I mean Mum or Dad

If you don't drive, occasionally they might come and pick you up or drop you off places. Only if you ask nicely and maybe say you'll help cook that night.

Your own bed

There's nothing like your own comfy pillow, bed, duvet or mattress at home. A good nights sleep, every night.

What are you missing out on?


You don't get full independence like other students living away. It can be difficult to see others thriving on their own when you haven't made that step yet but it's nothing to worry about – your time will come soon.

House rules

You'll never escape them. However, they do tend to get slacked off when you're at university.


A student is expected to cook whether they're living at home or away. Fact. Except living at home you're having to cook for all the other members of the family too rather than just yourself.

Letting your parents know your whole social calendar

There's no chance you'll go to bed without your mum wanting to know what you're doing the next day or if you'll be in for dinner or what time you'll be home.

Travelling to and from campus

If you don't own a car and your parents can't give you a lift in, walking in the rain, cold and wind is a pain. Getting the bus is just as bad with the children screaming and heavy breathers sat next to you. Long distance journeys still mean the train too.

Missing out on campus life

It's more complicated if you want to go to the Student Union for a drink or to someone else's flat after you've eaten. You might end up missing drama that goes on or events that are being held in the night.

Feeling guilty for lazy days

Every student needs lazy days, watching Netflix or sleeping in until lunchtime or later. The only problem is your parents being dressed by 9am and sometimes having a better social life than you have on those days.