Meet the people who have started the most underrated society
Benchball? What’s that you ask…
Want to play a sport at UoB but don't want to fork out £200 and your first born child? We may have the answer for you.
The Tab spoke to third year Particle Physics student, Harry Cooke, President of the Benchball Society, and asked him all about the ins and outs of UoB's Benchball Society.
First of all, for the people who don’t know, what is Benchball?
Well, Benchball’s a sport that many people would have played at primary school when they were younger. It works mostly like netball where you can’t move with the ball, it’s a non-contact sport and have to pass the ball within 3 seconds. However, instead of hoops to score points, the players have to shoot the ball to the member of their team stood on their bench. If that player catches the ball (without falling off the bench) then the thrower joins them. The team that ends up with all but one player on their bench first, wins.

Try not to get too competitive lads
How did you come up with the idea to set up a Benchball society?
We were pretty much just sat around last year joking about stupid things we did when we were at school and somehow we got onto what sports we played in P.E. It just kind of spiralled from there to be honest. We know the President of the Exeter Benchball Society (which is the only other one in the country) and we were joking about putting on some sort of tournament if benchball starts catching on at other universities!
What kind of response have you had?
Honestly, we’ve had an incredible response to the society. We’re one of the cheapest sports societies at the uni and we try and keep things as non-competitive as possible so that everyone can have a bit of a laugh. We’re at over 100 members and this is our first year which is pretty overwhelming. I think most people join to get access to Sports Night if we’re being honest!
What’s it like running a sports society like this?
I think we kind of underestimated the amount of work there would be but we have a full committee to help with everything. It’s pretty fun to get to run a society and play a team sport with your friends at uni, something that everyone can get involved with.

Don't be fooled, sports fairs are a grueling day
Finally, what information should people know if they’re interested in joining Benchball this year?
We run sessions every Thursday in Slater Hall from 7-8pm and Saturday in the Main Hall, Arena 3 from 4-5pm. Membership for the whole year is £30 and that gives you access to both sessions, the first session that you come to is free as long as you give us notice on our Facebook or Instagram.
If Benchball is the sport for you, you can find more information on their Facebook page.
Committee Members:
President – Harry Cooke
Vice President – Tamara Herbert
Secretary – Anna Barutta-Buckley
Treasurer – Joe Parkes
Social Secretaries – Chloe Dulson and Stephen Abbott
Equipment Organiser – Jana Sathananthan