Farhan Chin isn’t going to be BNOC, and he’s okay with that
fArHaN Is aNd aLwAyS WiLl bE ThE PeOpLeS BnOc
So, if you somehow missed UoB's biggest BNOC competition, then get out from under that rock you've been living under and allow me to update you – after 4 heats of UoB's finest battling it out, your votes narrowed it down to a final of four, with Zoë Dixon eventually being crowned our rightful winner, by a strong margin of over 500 votes.
But throughout the span of this fierce competition, one person seems to have captured the the attention of the UoB BNOC fanatics – the one and only, Farhan Chin.
This Brumfess aficionado describes himself as a chemical engineering student, who likes playing card games in his spare time. As a long-term favourite to win, his runner-up status was certainly a shock to both fans and odds-makers alike.
The people aren't happy. And so now someone's started a petition – it's popped off in Fab, and with 162 people having signed it, the campaign is off to a start, if not necessarily a strong one.
Oliver Naish, the petition's creator has spoken out against the result, telling The Birmingham Tab that "Farhan is and always will be the people's BNOC", slamming the process. Oliver Nash is a fellow Chemical Engineering student, and spoiler alert, he really likes Farhan Chin. Like a lot.
"Here on Chem Eng First Year, we see him as this divine, omniscient being; while not everyone is his biggest fan, there's no questioning his big name status on Fab and Fresh. So when I heard this Zoë fella won, I just thought this simply was not it chief, and had to step in and get him the recognition he deserves."
(Apart from the fact that he lost by popular vote, but hey – that's just semantics. Wouldn't want to tarnish the fantasy you've got going there hun.)
As well as campaigning for Farhan's BNOC title, Oliver's short term aims revolve around "recognition of the corrupt system" – he's really looking to show that Google Form who's boss.
But in the long run, Oliver has grand plans – "getting it to parliament would be ideal". Too right mate, I'm pretty sure that this could be just the thing to unite Corbyn and May together. In the meantime, Oliver is desperate to "let the people know who really deserves the award", irrespective of the actual voting process that occured.
Luckily for us, Farhan has exclusively told The Birmingham Tab he accepts the result of the vote, and is simply "grateful for the support". According to the man of the hour, although "it would have been nice", he seriously doesn't "want people to start hating on Zoë or losing their collective shits over a poll." Probably ought to listen to Farhan here guys, he knows what he's talking about.
But what do we, The Birmingham Tab, have to say about all this? Is there any hope remaining for Farhan's BNOC dreams? Will "Overlord Chin" be inaugurated into his "rightful" place on the BNOC throne?
Well, if Brexit has taught us anything, it's that the will of the people must be followed, despite any latent protestors making a fuss. Democracy is as democracy does, and it's sure as hell more important that Farhan being BNOC. Have you no respect for BNOC democracy? Where were you when Farhan needed your votes?
Of all the 12,000 people who voted in the BNOC final, less than 1.5% have bothered to sign the petition – so how about you make nice, pipe the fuck down, and give our reigning BNOC some love.