Rosie’s temporarily shuts down due to new government guidelines
Last night’s Vodbull was cancelled
Last night Rosie’s announced that due to government guidelines it would be closing until further notice.
They cancelled last night’s Vodbull event and issued refunds.
Vodbull stated in their post that they are already “plotting and scheming to continue” their events.
Following the government’s all clear for bars and restaurants to reopen, Rosie’s held their reunion event on September 11th.
They followed strict guidelines with a reduced capacity and a “bums on seats” policy, and switched to full table service. They held three successful socially distanced events throughout the opening weekend.
On Rosie’s Facebook they state that they have been hosting sell-out student nights with Naughty Horse Promotions which have been hugely successful.
However, yesterday they shared a post to both Facebook and Instagram to say “due to the new government guidelines, we are now closed until further notice.”
Rosie’s has been home to Vodbull for the past three years and they were due to host an event there last night. Vodbull posted to their Instagram to say that the event was cancelled and they would “be issuing refunds today.”
Vodbull states that the closure is “a huge loss for Birmingham” and they have “had an EPIC three years at Rosies.” They suggest that they are already looking at new venues for the event. However, with the current lockdown it seems uncertain where they could host the event right now.
This news comes as Birmingham enforces a stricter lockdown. The government have called for a closure of all “nightclubs, dance halls, and discotheques” as the numbers of COVID rise in the Birmingham area.
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