The time has come to vote in heat two of The Birmingham Tab’s BNOC 2022 competition

The heats are continuing, you know what to do

Responses are still flowing in, and you can continue to put in nominations for UoB’s BNOC of the year.

The Tab Birmingham is continuing their shortlists for BNOC of the year through heats, we are now on heat two. The winner of heat one will be revealed soon, so make sure you continuing voting on all the heats to crown your ultimate BNOC 2022.

The competition is getting feisty as seen by this exchange had by The Tab Birmingham and Chris Mitchell, from heat one.

In heat two we have…

Jasmine Sandhar

via @jasmine_sandhar on Instagram

Year: Second

Course: English and History

Many of Jasmine’s nominations really enforce the fact that she knows everyone, not just students but also the staff around campus, mainly in Joes and the Guild. She is also well-acquainted with staff off of campus in the student hotspots, such as The Goose and Indie Lounge.

The reason she may know so many people is down to the fact she is involved with multiple societies.

You know you’re a BNOC when you’ve had multiple messages from random people on dating apps saying they know of you already, Jasmine has had multiple messages like this. She even got a message on Tinder from a staff member of the Botanical Gardens saying they remember her specifically from society balls.

It is also rumoured she may have the records for highest amount of crumbles.

Will Jackson

via @willjacks0n on instagram

Year: Fourth

Course: Physics

Will has been crowned “the king of Guild drama” in the words of one of his nominations. Will told The Birmingham Tab that the natural next step after being called the king of Guild drama is to also be crowned the ultimate BNOC of UoB and that’s why you should vote for him.

One of his nominations also told us how he is also very known in the physics community for his star netball skills for the physics campus league team.

Charlotte Edgington

via @charlotte_edgington1 on instagram

Year: Third

Course: English and history of art

Charlotte is probably best known for her random, but very entertaining posts on Fab’n’Fresh. In fact Charlotte has been banned from the group not once, but twice. Charlotte told The Birmingham Tab she hopes she wins ultimate BNOC 2022 because then she might be allowed back in the Fab’n’Fresh group, as she has a lot of catching up to do with posts.

Charlottes nominations also stated how she has a well-known Victorian alter ego called Tuppence Crumb. In fact if Charlotte wins The Tab Birmingham’s ultimate BNOC of the year 2022 she has told us she will release the full identity of Tuppence Crumb.

Cast your votes for heat two:

[polldaddy poll=11122722]

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