It’s time for the third and final heat of The Tab Birmingham’s BNOC of the year 2022

We are getting one step closer to finding the ultimate BNOC 2022 of UoB

The Tab Birmingham is now ready to announce the last three chosen nominees for the last heat before we enter the final. So make sure within the next 24 hours you have voted on all three heats, the voting for this heat will be found at the bottom of the page.

Nominations are now officially closed for The Tab Birmingham’s BNOC of the year 20220.

Voting for heat one can be found here: Stop everything and vote now in heat one of The Tab Birmingham’s BNOC of the year 2022

Voting for heat two can be found here: The time has come to vote in heat two of The Birmingham Tab’s BNOC 2022 competition

In heat three we have…

Louis Titchener 

Year: Third  

Course: Sports Science  

One of Louis’ nominations went as far as to call him “the best looking on campus” this alone is BNOC worthy. 

But other than his looks his nominations are also for being “one of the most generous people on campus”, in fact Louis is currently raising money throughout the month of May for a charity by doing runs. “Doing things for others gives me a lot of satisfaction”, Louis told The Birmingham Tab.

Louis is also a football captain and has recently been named six-a-side campus league captain of the year. 

Sophie Thompson

Year: Third

Course: Psychology

According to all the nominations made about Sophie, she can never seem to have a boring night out, there is always an interesting story for the next day.

A common theme for Sophie’s nights out seems to be her “inability to wee in a club toilet” and her normal toilet of choice being the “bus stop outside of Circo”. Not only does she choose not to wee in club toilets but she also chooses not to chun in them as she has been seen “chunning in the halls of a club many times”.

On her nights out she will also do many other memorable things that will lead to funny stories such as getting her “boobs out in Circo” and letting “strangers spit in her mouth”.

Sophie is so well known around UoB she “sometimes wears sunglasses on campus to avoid people.”

Robert Kingham

Year: Second

Course: Chemical engineering

Just as you would expect from a BNOC, someone knows Robert everywhere he goes, much to the annoyance of his lesser BNOC-y friends who nominated him.

Robert may be so well known around campus for his shenanigans at cricket socials. One of his recent, most note-worthy, things he did at a cricket social is that he put toilet paper in his bum crack and then proceeded to light the paper on fire. Oh, and he was also downing a pint at the same time.

One of Robert’s nominations simply labelled him a “rouge bloke” for all the crazy stuff he does at cricket socials.

Cast your votes for heat three here:

[polldaddy poll=11124896]

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• The time has come to vote in heat two of The Birmingham Tab’s BNOC 2022 competition

• Stop everything and vote now in heat one of The Tab Birmingham’s BNOC of the year 2022

• The Tab Birmingham’s BNOC nominations of the year 2022 are now OPEN