Revealed: Birmingham students spend £142 a month on takeaways
We all love a cheeky takeaway
According to a recent study by SPAR, Birmingham students are reported to spend £142 every month on takeaways.
We’ve all been there. Whether it’s after a night out or when you’re too tired and lazy to cook, a takeaway is just the right solution to all your problems.
However, if you think Birmingham’s figure is high, students from London spend an enormous £226 a month. They are closely followed by Leeds students who spend £217 every month and Edinburgh who splurge £207.
The report revealed that Gen Z’ers between 16 and 24 are spending up to £340 every month on food deliveries and takeaways. This adds up to a huge £4080 per year. In comparison, the average Brit spends £167 a month on their favourite takeaways. So, it’s safe to say, students are the biggest culprits of going on Uber Eats for fast food.
40% of 16-24 year olds have pledged to cut back on their takeaway spendings this winter, in order to save money. More than half of those asked admitted that they want to cook cheaper and healthier meals at home this winter. But isn’t it just so easy to order online?
With Brits wanting to cook up a storm this winter, why not try and recreate your favourite takeaway dishes. Here are the top five meals Brits want to try and make at home:
- Fried Chicken (25%)
- Chow Mein (24%)
- Spring Rolls (20%)
- Chicken Tikka Masala (19%)
- Thai Curry (14%)
These figures are definitely jaw-dropping, but don’t let them stop you from having that Maccies or Dixys after a night out. If it’s what the heart desires …
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