Every Formula 1 team in the world has at least one Brookes graduate
Does this make us the fastest uni in the world?
Alumni from Oxford Brookes Racing have gone on to race in every single Formula 1 team globally.
In the last two seasons, students from Oxford Brookes Racing have gone to 9 out of the 11 F1 teams.
Chris Shawe, Team Leader at Oxford Brookes Racing told The Tab of the societies success: “OBR is a race team made up entirely out of undergraduate and masters students. We race at three international competitions a year.
“We are the most successful UK team in the competitions history”.
According to The Asian Correspondent “Oxford Brookes University have graduates in every F1 team currently racing in the world”.
This is an impressive track record for a university society and the presence that Brookes has in the global single-seat competition is large.
Oxforshire is known as the hub for automotive industries which means students who do not want to partake in racing can still be successful in the Motorsport world with placements usually offered at BMW or Ferrari. Brookes has a great Motorsport Engineering program, even if it is taught at Wheatley, and is due to celebrate 20 years of the subject this year.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences say students are equipped with skills and experience of technology and software along with the opportunity to join Oxford Brookes Racing.
This proves that at Brookes it is not just about what subjects you study, but the extra-curricular societies that are available.
For Oxford Brookes Racing it is not about adding an extra line to the CV, but racing competitively on an international level. What is even better is that anyone studying any degree is more than welcome to get involved and can contact the team here for more information.