Brookes has suspended all lectures after two confirmed Covid-19 diagnoses
All deadlines are extended to the 24th April
In an emergency meeting called today, Oxford Brookes university has made the decision to suspend all lectures and enforce mandatory immediate reading weeks amid the coronavirus fears.
Two people have now been diagnosed with Covid-19 at Brookes, as was announced in an email to all students.
This comes shortly after a letter was sent to the Vice-Chancellor addressing student concerns and questions that have been raised over the weekend.
“Due to the continued spread of coronavirus (Covid-19), the University has taken the decision to declare a number of Reading Weeks, from 8 am Tuesday 17 March to Friday 3rd April. There will be no delivery of teaching during these weeks. Delivery will recommence after the Easter break on Monday 20th April and will be online only – there will be no face to face teaching. Weeks 11 and 12 will be compressed into a period after Easter, commencing 20th April.”
All deadlines, excluding dissertations, have been extended to the 24th of April.
“Placements will continue, unless there are exceptional circumstances, either on the part of the student or the employer. If you are on placement, you should continue to refer to advice and guidance from your employer.”
“Oxford Brookes is extending the suspension of all student and staff travel for University business to a large number of additional countries, cities and regions to which the Foreign and Commonwealth is advising against non-essential travel. Given that this is a rapidly changing situation, the FCO travel advice is constantly under review, so you must check the travel advice for the specific country you wish to travel to.”