Here’s how to look after your mental health as a Cov Uni student
Please look after yourself and be kind
With Covid-19 not going away anytime soon and the announcement of Coventry entering Tier 2, it’s important to maintain our mental health while being stuck in isolation. Sometimes quarantine can get very lonely and very overwhelming but remember, we’re never alone.
We’re all going to find it hard at times and we need to do our best to keep each other safe, support each other and also look after ourselves. Don’t worry, we’ve complied a list of resources that some people would find useful as well as some conversations to have with friends and family.
Using the University Counselling Team
Try contacting the counselling team at Coventry University. They’re usually face-to-face but because of Covid, all sessions are currently being conducted through Microsoft Teams, phone or email. You can email them at [email protected] and you will be referred to the relevant welfare officer, counsellor or mental health advisor.
Regardless of your issue contacting the team is a great first step in improving your mental health, doing something productive and engaging with support really does help. You can only book appointments within a certain timeframe so once you find a slot that works for you book it as they usually fill up quickly.
Connections Matter
If you’re wanting activities or general resources to use, connections matter offers just what you need. It is a compilation of different mental wellbeing resources aimed at helping individuals in lots of different areas from mindfulness, study support, coping with bereavement and many more.
One of the mental wellbeing services that is offered is ‘Student Space’, a safe and confidential platform developed by the charity Student Minds to help with any student struggles through the pandemic. There is also an option for International students called ‘Keeping in Touch’ which is a checking in service from the university to see how things are and if any further support is needed.
Downloading meditation apps
Headspace is a free mobile app that offers a free mediation service which deals with a large variety of specific issues. For example, if you struggle with anxiety it offers a way to slow your thoughts down, control your breathing and have a clearer mind. There are multiple options for the speaker as well as hundreds of different sessions to try out with time limits that fit your schedule.
Online counselling
Another app available is the online counselling service Betterhelp. It has over 10,000 trained counsellors on standby that can help with depression, anxiety to family issues and more. It also includes some specialization therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
The app does cost £60 a week however, it is cheaper than regular therapy and is a viable alternative with the current pandemic limiting face-to-face interaction as well as NHS waiting list for therapy being at an all time high.
Maintaining contact with friends and family
Speaking out when you’re struggling is one of the hardest parts of poor mental health so it is important to understand and show support to those who may be having a hard time. Message a friend who’s been quiet the past few days and just ask if they are okay, small things go a long way and you might just be what they need at that moment.
Knock on your flatmates door and ask if they’d like a tea or coffee, try speaking to them about how they’ve been doing during the pandemic. Be sure to keep in touch with your parents or family members letting them know how you are and how you’re getting on.
If you’re starting to feel low or anxious, message a friend who you trust to come speak to you or talk to you over the phone about what’s going on. Mental health upkeep is one the hardest parts of University and no one should suffer in silence, make sure to speak out and support your friends and family in these tough times. stay safe everyone!