ECFS 2015 theme announced

Fashion Show to raise money for elephant and mental health charity

The Edinburgh Charity Fashion Show theme will be ‘The Elephant In The Room’.

The event will be raising funds for Elephant Family, and the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH).

ECFS launches its 17th year tonight at The Caves.

Check them out…

According to Georgie FuTong and Louisa Dearlove, the Chairwomen: “ECFS is celebrating its seventeenth year on the Edinburgh scene with a mission to break down the taboo surrounding the issues of mental health, whilst simultaneously promoting the protection of the endangered Asian elephant.”

The show itself will take place in March 2015.

Who needs Kate when you have ECFS

But, in the mean time, the much awaited model castings will take place this Friday, October 17th, in Teviot Debating Hall.