These people dress up to go to the library
They make you look like a slob
The bigger your parka or Canada Goose, the bigger your ego.
Kristen, second year Law
Kristen rocking her new dress from All Saints- her fashion icon is her Mum, and her choice procrastination method at the library is just not even bothering to go in the first place. Amen.
Clare, first year Civil Engineering
Clare told The Tab how she was going for that ‘chic hobo look,’ Chancellors style. Mission accomplished. All she needs now is a boyfriend with a top-knot and a signet ring.
Roisin, fourth year Medicine
Simple yet chic: minimal effort, maximum effect. If only revision worked in the same way.
Sylvia, third year Economics
I asked Sylvia if she’d come to the library to procrastinate. She said she doesn’t procrastinate, she only works. She validated this by saying she’d never heard of The Tab.
Lucy, fourth year History of Art
Applause to Lucy- not many of us can pull off a gap-yah cardigan, but then again, we don’t all study History of Art.
Carl, second year International Business
Carl shows us all how to rock a foxy jumper: his is from Selfridges. He also told us that he procrastinates in the library by reading the Financial Times, so if the jumper didn’t speak for itself, he’s clearly a bit of a legend.
Katie, second year Social Anthropology
Katie came to the library to work hard (ie. scroll Tumblr and listen to spotify). You and me both.
June and Caroline- 3rd year Veterinary Medicine
Personally speaking, I think these two have the right idea. It’s the time of year when trackies and pjs in public are socially acceptable.
So let’s all make the most of it before next term starts and people come back after Christmas with a new wardrobe and energy to give a shit about what they look like.