Edinburgh is the biggest rent rip off in the UK
Across the UK rents have increased by around 12% compared to last year.
Edinburgh Student accommodation is the most expensive in the country according to Zoopla, averaging a whopping £2,171 per month for a 4 bedroom flat.
Research found that landlords have the most to gain by buying to let in Edinburgh over every other city in the UK.
Edinburgh’s average 6.11% yield to landlords, makes it the highest in the UK whilst the lowest is Middlesbrough at a paltry 1.47% yield per month for a four bed.
Four of the top 10 locations are in Scotland, with Coventry being the only city south of the border to break the top five.
If you’re studying in Dundeed and looking rent, you can do so for half the cost of Edinburgh at £1,029 per month, and those in Glasgow do well too, at £1,187.
Edinburgh’s high rental income compared with the average property price means investors are flocking to Edinburgh.
Lawrence Hall from Zoopla said: “Scottish university cities are currently offering fantastic returns for UK landlords.
“As throngs of students compete to live near their campuses … this equates to excellent yields.”
“Some may be surprised that the golden triangle of London, Oxford and Cambridge are not producing higher yields.
“However, given those areas have a pedigree of high property prices,buy-to-let investors there would likely spend a higher proportion of rental income paying off their properties’ mortgages.”
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