‘I can’t remember’: Freshers review their first JMCC meals
nom nom nom
For those students who chose catered accommodation this year, the first meal they ate will have been met with great anticipation.
The question on their minds: “How good is the JMCC food?”
We cornered eleven freshers in awkward encounters to find out what they thought.
Astrid – Politics and Economics
“The lady who checks your card isn’t very nice, the small one. She’s a bit militant, she didn’t let a girl eat.”
Rufus – Archeology and Anthropology
“I’ve only been once but I can’t remember what I had. I’ve just been going to Sainsbury’s. You can take a picture of my chicken kormas if you like.”
Tara – Sociology and Politics
“The food’s been fine but the Italian dinner yesterday was really bad. But I like that they label what’s available for people with gluten intolerances or alternative diets, that’s nice.”
Emily – English Literature
“Well I was supposed to be self-catered but then there was no space so I ended up here. I was looking forward to cooking for myself actually. But I feel too bad not to eat there even if I don’t want to.”
Rafe – Philosophy
“I got severely ill off the Italian chicken, I was lying alone in bed clutching my stomach. I have a terrible diet anyway to be honest. I’m not sure if the JMCC is helping me by being slightly better than the rest of the food I eat or just kicking me while I’m down.”
Phoebe – Italian and Linguistics
“I have a serious issue with the mealtimes. Only freaks eat at 5. But I think the food is delicious.”
Georgia – Psychology
“The dinner ladies are so nice, I was too sick to finish my breakfast the other morning and one of them asked me if I enjoyed my meal and it broke my heart. It was so sweet of her. And the lady at the front told me she was losing her voice because she was saying hi to everyone.”
Kate – Geography
“I saw a guy drop his bowl and then his drink everywhere. It was awful it went on people’s shoes and everything. He was on his own, it was really cute.”
Andrew – Social Anthropology
“They give you just what you need”
Sam – Human Geography
“The JMCC food is fucking good, I think it has been unbelievable so far. But 5 is just a silly time to eat supper, you’re like seven years old when you eat at 5. I arrived thinking that we were going to get given lunch though, bit of a shocker.”
Freddie – Politics
“I also thought the food was unbelievable. Word on the street though is that they blow their budget in the first month.”