Napier students unworried by terror threat found on toilet door
It’s nae bother
A message was recently found on a toilet door warning of a credible terrorist threat to Edinburgh. The message says that the individuals behind these ‘plots’ are intending to target sites across Edinburgh, including Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh College, Ocean Terminal and Currie Community High School with explosives and gunmen. The note describes these men as ‘absolute lunatics’ who are ‘extremely delusional’ and placed the time of attack anywhere between the 20th April and the 5th May.
The scrawled writing claims that the author (apparently a thief) is a regular visitor to various establishments frequented by extremists and thieves in Edinburgh and Glasgow where they have heard these rumours.
We asked Napier students for their views on the note:
Robbie, Napier 3rd year Journalism student
“Nice handwriting, looks quite noble. If these ‘underground haunts’ exist where fundamentalists congregate, the non-fundamentalist would stick out like a sore thumb and would obviously be sworn to some ‘speak out and we kill you’ ultimatum, and they would now know who the grass was. ‘Basements of bars in Leith’ just sounds too ridiculous to add up. Far too many loopholes to concern myself with it. Terrorists aren’t daft, they prevent shit getting out that easily.”
Ailsa, Napier 3rd year Journalism student
“Hmm I’m inclined to think it’s someone’s idea of a sick joke. Couldn’t help but shit myself a wee bit though. Really don’t want to die in the editing suite at uni. The kilby would be a good place for a shooting – no way out.”
Anonymous, Napier 2nd Year
“I do think it is pretty chilling that someone would write that, especially on a college door for anyone of all ages to see but I do think it’s a load of rubbish and I don’t believe anything will come of it.”
Scathing, to say the least.
There is a police investigation currently underway.