Edinburgh: Who are you voting for? Take our poll


In a city with four universities, with students making up one-fifth of the total population, it’s safe to say that Edinburgh is a young city. With the SNP, Labour and Conservatives fighting it out in Holyrood, it’s also a highly politically charged one. Yet, in 2015 just 43 per cent of 18 to 24-year-old’s actually turned out to vote, despite it being our future that’s at stake.

If you have an opinion on how much it costs for you to go to university, on Scottish independence, on the NHS, on how Brexit is going to affect us, on drug policy, on unpaid internships, or on the price of freddo’s, or even if you’re content with that state of things at the minute, you need to vote.

So, with a month to go, whose vibes are you feeling at the min?

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