Over ninety sausage dogs gathered together in Edinburgh last week

And all people cared about was Obama

Just when you thought nothing could top the pug lady of the Meadows, Dachshunds in Edinburgh, a group which celebrates the breed, gathered at the Crammond Inn on Friday. The society, which has over 700 members saw over 90 sausage dogs have a playdate to mark the one year anniversary of Dachshunds in Edinburgh.

With dachshunds coming from across Scotland to mark the occasion, there was everything from pups to a seventeen year old veteran called Eve.

Frankie the dachshund sporting traditional Scottish tartan

Frankie the sausage dog was adopted three years ago and has since acquired a large fan base, which to his owners establishing the group.

Although cute to look at, their personalities are ferocious – Dachshund literally means ‘badger dog’ in German as their original purpose was to hunt badgers.

Maybe Pollock can have the Dachshunds in Edinburgh as well as the Alpacas next summer – think of the selfie potential.

For more info about Dachshunds in Edinburgh check out the Dachshunds in Edinburgh Facebook page.