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Revealed: The degrees at Edinburgh that award the most firsts

Bet you regret choosing your degree now

In an ideal world, you'd like to think that the degree you choose to study at uni shouldn't affect the classification you get at the end. Ideally, you'd want to have an equal shot at getting a first no matter what you study.

However, it's not an ideal world.

Donald Trump is still President, winter has arrived in Scotland, and unfortunately, you're more likely to get a first if you study certain subjects at Edinburgh.

Through a Freedom of Information request, The Tab can reveal which Edinburgh schools awarded the most firsts in the 2016/17 academic year.

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The School of Mathematics gave out by far the most number of firsts, with 64 per cent of its students last year being awarded one. It was way out ahead of second placed School of Informatics which gave firsts to 46 per cent of its students.

The majority of schools gave between 20 and 30 per cent of their students firsts, with the School of Divinity (eighteen per cent) awarding the fewest.

To be honest, if you're smart enough to do Maths in the first place, you probably deserve to get a first anyway.