An interview with the EUSA Presidential candidate: Vidhi Mohan
You’ve probably seen her Napier meme
Vidhi wants to diversify the university and make sure that people from all backgrounds are well represented.
Why are you running for EUSA President?
When I came to the University of Edinburgh, I faced a lot of difficulties and I wished there was more help available to me. I see a lot of students going through the same problems whether they are undergraduate students and postgraduate students. I want to help these students feel more comfortable and get the most out of the university experience and this is why I am running for EUSA President.
What are your main policies?
The primary aim of my manifesto is to have a EUSA that caters to the needs of everyone whether it is an undergraduate, a postgraduate, an international student, a female student, BME or LGBTQ+ student. So, I want cheaper food prices, more and better kitchen facilities, a separate section for international students on MyCareerHub, Safe Zones across campus, faster welfare services, advice for students from financially weaker backgrounds and a better sense of community for postgraduate students.
Do you think your policies are feasible? Will you be able to fund all of them?
I have made sure that all the policies in my manifesto are achievable policies and not just hollow promises. Most of them require very less funds and makes use of already available resources.
Why do you think you're the best person for the job?
I want EUSA to be more diverse and since I am an international postgraduate student who also happens to be a woman of colour, I think me being the EUSA President can be a beginning to that. I have previous leadership experience as well so I believe that I can do a really good job if I am elected.