We spoke to the people running for EUSA President so you don’t have to

Comprehensive interviews with the candidates

This year EUSA has more people going for its President role than ever. We interviewed the candidates going for EUSA President about what makes them the people to vote for and their plans for the year ahead.

Bharat Singh Chaturvedi

Third year Bharat hopes to draw on his time as an international student to significantly improve their experiences at the University and make the university a more accessible and inclusive place for all students.

You can read his full interview here.

Connor Bok

Connor Bok's main sticking point of his policy is reducing the size of the student body. He also wants to implement a more effective course review system and widen a scheme where the university operates as a guarantor for international students. He has a different approach to mental health which does not involve extra funding, but rather tackles what he sees as the 'root' of the problem of mental health.

You can read his full interview here.

Eleri Connick

Current Sports Union VP, Eleri Connick, thinks her experience working with EUSA and the University means that she's the candidate most likely to successfully implement their manifesto. Some of policies include wanting to stand up to estate agents and reducing the prices of Big Cheese pre-sale tickets.

You can read her full interview here.

William McLaughlan

Fourth year Law student William McLaughlan is clear in what he wants to achieve as EUSA President. He wants to launch a mental health enquiry around the university and significantly improve the support offered to students.

You can read his full interview here.

Since the interview, William has pledged to donate £2,000 of his President's salary to the Support Place in his manifesto.

Keisha Gani

Keisha Gani feels that post-grads such as herself are under-represented at Edinburgh and she wants to stand up for them and make sure their voices are heard both by EUSA and the University.

You can read her full interview here.

Tom Greenstein

Tom Greenstein is running with one of the more radical manifestos in this year's elections. He wants to form a Renters' Union and also wants Edinburgh to join the BDS movement to show solidarity for people in Palestine.

You can read his full interview here.

Arran Byers

One of the two Trainspotting-inspired campaigns, Arran wants to make EUSA more affordable for its students and wants to lead a change that will result in a more united student body.

You can read his full interview here.

Vidhi Mohan

Vidhi wants to diversity for the university and make sure that people from all backgrounds are well represented.

You can read her full interview here.

Elena Lape

Elena wants make Teviot cheaper by having £2 pints a few times every month, improve summer storage facilities and make it easier to cycle round the city.

You can read her full interview here.

Voting is open until 5pm on Thursday, March 8th. You can vote here.

The Tab tried to get in contact with the tenth candidate, Sam Cowling, but could not find a Facebook page, profile or email address to contact.