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A major power cut at Salisbury Court last night nearly sent freshers to hotels

Unite Students provided a midnight Domino’s feast tho


Salisbury Court, which is regarded as one of the UK's nicest halls of residence, experienced a power cut that lasted nearly five hours – from around 7:30pm to midnight.

While emergency lighting was provided, freshers were warned that this would only last for a few hours meaning that total darkness was imminent. A maintenance worker from Unite Students warned that if the power cut could not be fixed students would have to be moved into hotels for the night.

Image may contain: Furniture, Couch, Asleep, Person, People, Human

Eager freshers waiting on their pizza delivery

The night's MVP, known only to residents as 'George', issued an emergency email notifying residents that a mammoth pizza delivery would be sent to the common room at midnight – hero.

Image may contain: Person, People, Human, Pizza, Food

Celebrating the reemergence of electricity with a feast of 25 large pizzas

Despite being compensated with hundreds of pounds worth of pizza, frustrated students such as Izzy Reading could not be appeased "I bought a five – pound salmon I couldn't cook, I've got half shaved legs and no working straighteners – what's a girl to do?"

Neither could ATIK fan Emily Brierley who said: "I missed Friday ATIK to do an essay and then this happened – now I'm having withdrawal symptoms."