Clubbers of the Week
The conclusion of an absolutely shocking set of midterms calls for celebration, right?
Guy Fawkes Night might have brought an abundance of firework displays, bonfires, and torchlight processions to the city, but the Edinburgh clubs were arguably just as lit.
Midterms might be coming to an end, but the sesh is well and truly here to stay. Scroll on to see what explosive antics Edi students got up to this week.
Stunner of the Week – Winner

I know where I'm going for my next FB DP shoot
Stunners of the Week – Runners Up

Like an advert for GHDs

Oh look, there's the photographer – act natural!

That guy's cheekbones could cut a bitch

Was the theme dress like a British holiday-maker?
Creepers of the Week – Winner

Say hey to the Edinburgh mean girls in the back
Creepers of the Week – Runners Up

I don't know these people but I'm getting in the shot regardless

I bet his sole purpose for going out was to make clubbers – you're welcome, son

Don't mind me, just having a lonesome boogie
Hero of the Week – Winner

It takes a real man to wear a flower crown
Hero of the Week – Runners Up

It takes an equally brave man to wear a snake print cami top

Get you a man who looks at you the way this guy looks at his Bud
Heroine of the Week – Winner

*Sends snapchat to boyfriend* "Yes of course I'm in bed – look! Why do you ask…?"
Heroine of the Week – Runners Up

You could be drinking Black Cherry VK out that glass and it would STILL look classy

What do you MEAN I'm not on guest list?

Those freshers friends that just won't let go
Mutant of the Week – Winner

Jumping into the shot and realising halfway through that you don't know these people
Third-Wheel of the Week – Winner

Wait, what's so funny, guys? Can you repeat that? Hello?
Third Wheel of the Week – Runner Up

A concept: finessing being the third-wheel
Unhappy Clubbers of the Week – Winners

Super intense bass face or severe, crippling pain? Can someone check they're okay
Unhappy Clubbers of the Week – Runners Up

The most passive aggressive drowning of sorrows one ever did see

I. Want. To. Go. Home.

I know it's only been an hour, but I just reaaaally want those Chicken Selects

He was only supposed to be going out for one drink

When your booty call STILL hasn't responded
Album Cover of the Week – Winner

ABBA reborn X Pollock Edition
Album Cover of the Week – Runners Up

So wholesome
Wanker of the Week – Winner

When it's 2am and the DJ still hasn't played "Will Grigg's on Fire"
Wanker of the Week – Runners Up

(Painfully spenny) spillage is lickage

Omg, did you take a gap year?
WTF of the Week – Winner

Sprained her wrist doing tequila slammers
WTF of the Week – Runners Up

Weird flex but okay

This looks so comfortable and not awkward in any sense

Can't see this look catching on at Pollock, sorry loves
Best of the rest

Maybe they met through Tab Dating?

Isn't this the promo shot for Pretty Little Liars season one?

When you lose all your friends in the club but still have to play it cool

Hey, that's height-ist

It would appear that all is Gucci

Do they all have spinach stuck in their teeth or something?

If they don't gram this, I will

When they start serving the Jujus street food

Male equivalent of that Milk meme?

I remember my first beer

Okay don't turn round but I think there's some random guy filming us

Don't pap me – I told me mam I was working late in the library

Yeah Edinburgh's cold but not THAT cold honey

Show your friends you love and value them by biting their face off

Form an orderly queue ladies and gents, no pushing in here

He clearly didn't get the arseho – WHOOPS – I mean rugby attire memo

Gold star for trying, mate, but she's clearly having none of it

Ready to do it all again next week
Photo credits:
Ben Glasgow
David Wilkinson// Empirical
Neil Stewart
James Gourlay