The group photographer is the unsung hero of the friendship group
Not all heroes wear capes
If you take a scroll through your Instagram or Facebook feed, past the pictures of heavily-edited selfies and aesthetic lunch snaps, remaining will be some genuinely good-quality snaps. But you're fooling no one, we all know you didn't take them. Instead, it was the same friend who always take the most vibes pics of you, and they're the one you have to thank for keeping your Insta on point.
Let's all take to recognise why our group photographer is so great.
They are unbelievably selfless
There is nothing than when someone asks you to take a group pic that you’re not even in. This makes it even harder to imagine that some people live for snapping the best group pics of you and your pals. They are never in any pictures posted, but they couldn’t care less. Why? Because group photographers are just so selfless. It’s a biological fact.

cover photo gold
They are also bullied into bringing their cameras to pres and parties to get some action shots, and what a hazardous place to bring such expensive equipment. They are literally risking their livelihood for a few good snaps. Do they complain? No. Instead, they smile whilst being forced to take a pic of you holding two Prosecco bottles, to prove just how messy this flat party got.
They know how to get the best shots
Somehow being told that your left side really isn’t your best one isn’t offensive at all when your group photographer says this. You welcome any kind of criticism because you know they truly have your best interests at heart. They’re your biggest supporters, showering you with praise and encouragement, telling you to pop the knee or to flex your muscles to truly get you at your prime. We all live for the feeling we get when they shout “YESSS” when they’ve got the perfect pic for you.

Just a little jealous
Need a new profile pic? They've got you covered
You don’t need to tell them twice. They’ll be snapping candids left, right and centre. Getting those completely natural laughing shots and pensive pics when the cheekbones are poppin’. And if we weren’t already grateful enough, they don’t even ask for photo creds.
They'll edit your pics for you
Taking an exceptional photo is just their first job. They don't stop there. They'll edit it, and re-edit it until they've got the perfect photo for you. The editing I’m talking about is some next-level Photoshop magic, from blurring blemishes to warming the picture up (way cheaper than the sun beds). Basically, they'll do everything in their power to transform the picture, and everyone in it, into eleven out of tens, yet still managing to make it look natural.

Completely natural of course
So as we approach the time of giving this year, I encourage you to show your group photographers some well-earned recognition. But, not before they’ve taken some fab pics of you at the Christmas market of course.

In her natural habitat