Clubbers of the Week
It’s that magical time again
Snow, St Paddy's day, and a delayed Brexit? It really is time to celebrate.
Shoutout to our dedicated clubbers for never missing an opportunity to do so.
Stunner of the week

Girl, where do I get that highlight??
Runners up

A stunner that KNOWS it

This photo just told me I can't afford to look at it

This is not her first time posing

The whole club was lookin' at her

Positively GLOWING
Creeper of the week

Caught trying to decide between tongue in or tongue out
Runners up

'Hey that's a really nice earring you've got, mind if I have it?'

So close to being the best photo she's ever taken

'My mates think I'm really funny'

The look your friend gives you when she doesn't approve of your pull
Third wheel of the week

Very obviously invited to be in this photo!
Runners up

'Maybe if I stand far away enough, they won't notice me'

'Hey lads, mind if I jump in on this?'

You just couldn't help it, could you?

'They don't pay me enough'
Wanker of the week

Look, I don't want to hear about it when you end up in A&E

FFS, can you just play the music?

'No, it's cool, I didn't really want my face in the picture'

VK does not approve of this picture

Whatever happened to the good ol' thumbs up??
Hero of the week

Mate, your doctor would not approve, but I sure do
Runners up

'Be sure to get my good side'

Hey, hydrate or die-drate am I right??

Here for a good time, not a long time

No friends? No problem!
Heroine of the week

I mean, what are friends really for anyway??
Runners up

She wants YOU to join her on the dance floor

'That's Queen Clubber to you'

'My snapchat friends are gonna love this one'

Thumbs up you want a fishbowl!
WTF of the week

Do I want to know?
Runners up

Um, this isn't M&S

'I love you, man'

Lad behind them is also wondering why the photographer took this one
Mutant of the week

Wait a second, weren't you in stunners???
Runners up

Oh you just kiss your club pull? Lame

Scared because club photos didn't exist the last time he went out

'Wait, I'm gonna sneeze!!'

She wasn't happy to see this one the next morning
Album covers of the week

His mixtape is either the worst or best thing you've ever heard
Runners up

'Yeah, we all met while auditioning for X-Factor'

He'll rap a few bars if you ask nicely

They're waaaay better than Little Mix

Fresh out of the studio
Unhappy clubber of the week

'I'm beginning to think this is an ugly shirt'
Runners up

But what if I don't want to put my hands in the air?

Aw it's ok, you can be in their picture next time!

She just saw someone else with the exact same H&M bodysuit

That moment when you realise you forgot to put on deodorant
Best of the rest

When the DJ puts on Sandstorm

Honestly, just happy to be here

Not a hugger, are we?

Stop taking photos of me!

Weird stretch but ok

Fun fact: none of these people know each other

That's what post deadlines looks like

When Africa comes on

She's calling her eyebrow person

Hun, she's after your VK

What is it with the pointing this week?

'Oh it's fine, I'm sure they won't spill on me!'
Photography credits:
James Gourlay
Ben Glasgow
David Wilkinson
Neil Stewart