Edi student and team to row around the whole of Great Britain for charity
They are raising money to clean up the oceans
One Edinburgh student and three Exeter students are taking part in a charity row around the entirety of Great Britain this June. They will be aiming to raise crucial awareness and money for the issues facing our oceans today, such as plastic polution, habitat destruction and overfishing.
The Exe Edurow team are raising money for the charity JustOneOcean which is committed to cleaning up the world's oceans. Their work helps tackle a broad and varying range of problems facing the world's oceans today, and involves undertaking projects, encouraging public engagement, finding solutions and working alongside local communities. You can donate following this link.
The team will be setting off on the 1st June from Tower Bridge in London. The challenge should take around 30 days to complete, but they are aiming to break the current record of 26 days.
The team consists of three students from the Univeristy of Exeter and one from Edinburgh University.
21-year-old Frasier Cutt studies Business Studies at Exeter and is described as 'by far and away the most mature of the team'. He admits to having enjoyed himself a little too much in his first and second years of uni but is now back in touch with his former rubgy-playing self.
22-year-old Charles Bromhead studies Geography at Exeter. A mountaineer and sporadic trail runner, he is head of operations, encompassing planning, administrating the team and 'making sure things get done'.
22-year-old Oliver Dawe-Lane is in his final year of studying History at Exeter. Described as a fitness fanatic and experienced sailor, he 'no stranger to a little chop'.
Completing the team is Arthur Chatto, a 20-year-old Geography student at the University of Edinburgh. Described as a man 'who’s spent most of his time outside of University in the mountains, underwater or in the gym', he has been in charge of the team's physical training. He may be the youngest on the team, but 'his energy and enthusiasm know no bounds'.
The non-stop route has only been completed by 14 people previously, and entails 2000 miles of open water, strong tides, and notoriously bad weather.
With none of the team having previous rowing experience, what lies ahead is a huge physical and mental challenge indeed. With the challenge entailing such high risks of sleep deprivation, dehydration, daily calorie deficits and seasickness, the team have had to train relentlessly for months.
The Exe Endurow team told The Edinburgh Tab: "The team is training hard using ergometers (rowing machines), weight training and rowing on train water to prepare for the challenge.
"So much still needs to be done. We're trying to raise as much money and awareness as possible for JustOneOcean to fight plastic pollution."
The team are in need of £50,000 of sponsorship in order to be able to go ahead with the challenge. In order to help the boys get to the start line, you can become a member of The 250 Club, and have your name written on the boat to be seen around the whole of Great Britian. Anyone interested in helping the team out can do so using this link, or by emailing [email protected].