Students to be banned from pubs and restaurants in Scotland this weekend
Students will also be unable to meet with other households
University students in Scotland will be told not to go to pubs, parties, or mix with anyone outside their own household this weekend.
The new guidance from Universities Scotland and the Scottish government comes as a response to growing coronavirus outbreaks in Scottish university accommodations.
Universities Scotland statement reads: “All universities will make absolutely clear to students that there must be no parties, and no socialising outside their households.
“This weekend, the first of the new tighter Scottish Government guidance, we will require students to avoid all socialising outside of their households and outside of their accommodation.
“We will ask them not to go to bars or other hospitality venues. We will be clear that this is a necessary step at this crucial moment of managing the virus in the student population, to protect students and the wider community.
“We will increase the staff presence in student accommodation, to be vigilant against any breaches of guidance and also to offer welfare and practical support to students who are experiencing isolation.
“We will engage further with private providers of student accommodation, especially those with significant numbers of bedspaces, to follow our lead and strictly enforce guidance.
“We will intensify our institutions’ liaison with Police Scotland, to ensure vigilance about student behaviour off-campus and in private accommodation.
“We will take a strict ‘Yellow Card/Red Card’ approach to breaches of student discipline that put students and others at risk. While we first want to advise students about breaches of discipline, we will not hesitate to escalate this to disciplinary action including potential discontinuation of study.”
Nicola Sturgeon reassured students in a tweet that the restrictions on pubs/hospitality is “just this weekend.”
It remains unclear how many of the new restrictions are temporary in this way.
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