Freshers in Edinburgh halls found dead mice in their pantries
Pictures of the mice were posted to the Pollock Prisoner Instagram
Edinburgh freshers have found dead mice in their pantries at Pollock Halls, according to Instagram posts on the account Pollock Prisoner.
Pollock Prisoner posted about two separate instances of dead mice in Pollock pantries with one in a cupboard Grant House in and the other on the floor in Ewing House.
The fresher who discovered the mice in Grant House told The Tab: “It made me laugh at first but [it’s] quite gross.”
The student also said it took “maybe two weeks” for the mice to be removed “because no one reported it.”
Tess, the fresher who runs the Pollock Prisoner Instagram, told The Tab about the first post: “It is shocking. That post hasn’t got as much attention as I thought. When I scroll through my feed I expect that to be my biggest post – but my biggest post is the out of date bread roll.”
The second post shows the mouse in the middle of the pantry floor as opposed to inside of a cupboard.
An Edinburgh University spokesperson told The Tab Edinburgh: “The University carries out a daily check of all student households for which it is responsible, providing those in isolation with cleaning materials and information on how to use them so that they can continue to keep their space clean during the period of isolation.
“The University also removes waste in halls of residence and carries out enhanced cleaning on a daily basis of all touchpoints across blocks of accommodation. In line with Scottish Government advice our students are encouraged to adopt a ‘clean-as-you-go’ approach which we have promoted via a range of communications to them.
“In this particular instance [regarding the first post], the matter was resolved on the same day it was reported.”
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