Edinburgh Uni’s ‘no detriment’ petition has gotten 10k signatures in a week
There is still no response from the uni
An Edinburgh student’s petition to reinstate a “no-detriment” policy for fourth years has gotten almost ten thousand signatures in just over a week.
The petition was started just over a week ago and asks that fourth year students’ final academic year average be the same as, or higher than, the average they have attained through assessment already undertaken.
Edinburgh University has yet to tell students whether or not it will be implementing a policy of this nature.
The student wrote in the petition: “The University has thus far failed to equip these students with a ‘no detriment’ policy, despite them having to deal with far more disruption to their studies than in early 2020.
“These students deserve the same level of protection that the Class of 2020 were afforded, if not more, and so we are calling for the ‘no detriment’ policy to be reinstated.”
The University of Edinburgh has not addressed the no detriment policy since last week when a university spokesperson told The Tab Edinburgh: “The University is working through the implications of the most recent Scottish Government announcement regarding Covid-19.
“The safety of our University community remains our top priority, and students and staff will be updated as soon as possible with regards to teaching and assessment arrangements.”
The petition can be signed here.
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