Edinburgh Clubbers of the Week: Week two, return of the (J)edi
The semester is back in full swing so it’s time to put our heads down and focus on work, right?
Despite being in the deep dark depths of winter, when no amount of alcohol can act as a blanket from the absolutely baltic Edinburgh winds, the students of Edi have been out making the most of our freshly reopened clubs.
Sure, the first deadlines of the semester are beginning to loom and reading week is still a distant dream, but it’s a well-known fact that a Subway venom is an effective treatment for vitamin D deficiency, coursework-induced stress and for seasonal depression. Besides, everyone knows students have a famously healthy work-life balance!
We can now go out without having to sit weirdly at tables on the dancefloor – here are the best pictures we found of people making the most of this freedom.
Stunner of the week
I am so obsessed with every detail of both their outfits
Runners up
Smile as infectious as omicron 🙂
This is honestly adorable idc
People who look insta ready at the club are living my dream life
It girl moment
Creeper of the week
Rahhhhhhhh can I get you another pornstar venom?
Runners up
That watch is a red flag
The man at the back gets it
People who get tonge piercings need a vetting process
Bit alarming mate x
Third-wheel of the week
Sorry bro but the Balenciaga top won’t win her over x
Runners up
I don’t know who thought that pose was a good idea
Honestly, I would get so confused between those guys I’d probably forget which one I liked
I don’t know if this is a third wheel or they’re all siblings?
Wanker of the week
This wins for the density of wankers
Runners up
What a mad lad
Down it fresher
I really don’t have any words to describe this.
Heroine of the week
TFW you’re asked to play Murder on the Dancefloor five times in one night (for real, Queen Roisin is heroine of the week every week)
Runners up
Killing it honestly
Hope your bank accounts are okay after buying those girlies xxx
Mesh is back!
Where is her necklace from? Asking for a friend xoxo
The colour coordination? 10/10
Hero of the week
What are you looking for bestie cause I can help you find it x
Runners up
Venom in each hand, this man is living the dream
They look like they’d let you copy their geology homework tbh
These guys would definitely lend you their lab reports for you to copy
Just bros being bros
WTF of the week
I think I just threw up a little bit
Runners up
Are they… vaping up their nose? Actually, don’t answer that
Where else would you ever want to be proposed to?
The face of 2 men who have just realised the consequences of their actions
Billie Piper is that you??? Seriously???
Utter, unbridled chaos
Mutant of the week
Sorry mate but to be fair, who does this in front of the camera?
Runners up
Fresh out of some Peep Show style mockumentary
Blink twice if you need help
Just met Ed Sheeran at Why Not?
At least she’s on the end so you can crop her out
Album covers of the week
“Alexa, play Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds”
Runners up
Gerard Way – core
Not an album cover, but definitely the thumbnail of a BBC Three sitcom of some kind
Phoebe Bridgers could never
Unhappy clubbers of the week
My guy just wants a Maccies doesn’t he
Runners up
Being squashed at Flare Monday would be a very bad way to go
Poor guy
The guy on the right has just completely freaked out
Yahhhh mate, hands off my mango venom please
Best of the rest
Was this photo taken seconds after a massive friendzone or are they just dancing?
I just know this was so annoying to get rid of when she got home still drunk
(David Attenborough voice): “And here we see a lesser-spotted victorious Scotland rugby fan in the wild… He has been on the bevs since midday and its now midnight…”
You okay huns?
Either a polo social or a really fancy private school reunion. Let us know if you recognise those ties
Me wondering why anyone would want their photo taken at the club
The girl at the back gets it
The person in the middle is so me
Chaos, in the best way
Photo Credits:
Kealan Bond (Flare Monday and Love Wednesday)
Neil Stewart (Tamagotchi Tuesday)
David Stewart (Slice Saturday)
James Gourlay (Rascals)
Thomas Michael (Hive)
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