Edi students share their first date horror stories
Some of these are seriously making me consider staying single
With Valentine’s Day finally here, you might be eagerly planning a date, perhaps booking a romantic but undoubtedly over-priced dinner for you and your SO, or maybe you’re stocking up on chocolate and mixers ready for Galantine’s with your besties.
Over on Instagram we asked Edinburgh students for their worst date stories. See these as warnings, a what NOT to do on your date (don’t worry there’s still time to re-think your plans).
And for those who have no plans lined up for the night, take this as a reminder of why you don’t. Sit back and consider yourself lucky to not be sitting through similar dating nightmares:
‘Took me to Maccies and his card declined so I paid, then helped himself to my leftovers’
This is just scavenger behaviour to be honest.
‘Took me to Hive, wrote me a poem, and told me he loved me on the first date. He was sober’
This just gets worse and worse. Red flags left, right and centre.
‘He couldn’t eat a scotch egg properly’
What? How? So many questions.
How many ways even are there to eat a scotch egg??
‘He turned up on his bike and accidentally fell off his bike and ran into a wall – such an ick’
Ick. There’s no saving this disaster. Bless him
‘Had to fake book a library session for my date to leave my flat’
Resorting to the library, desperate times. Though I’m impressed with your resourcefulness and will low-key be keeping this in my box of excuses.
‘Guy took me to a pres at pollock with three people there’
Rah…get out of there.
‘In the middle of the date he got a phone call from the police’
RED.FLAG. Like literally red sirens.
Unless you’re into a bad boy prisoner vibe…
‘He wore so much aftershave I wanted to vomit’
Nothing like Lynx Africa to turn a girl on.
‘He asked me to drive, he got into the passenger seat and burped really loud’
I hope you kicked him out and drove off.
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