Here are 30 Edi student ‘Never Have I Evers’ that you’ve definitely done
17. Paid £4 delivery for McDonald’s because Princes Street is just too far away
It’s fair to say that while four years may sound like a long time, your years at Edinburgh Uni actually go by in the blink of an eye. We all know the basic Edinburgh must-dos, like climbing Arthur’s Seat and attending Fringe, but any Edi student will tell you there is a much longer and more important list of things you must check off before you can graduate.
Just in case you’re not sure what these bucket list items are, we’ve come up with a list of 30 ‘Never Have I Evers’ that all Edi students have either done or are guaranteed to do before their four years are up (with the exception of maybe one or two). This is also the perfect list to pull out at pres for a quick drinking game that will get you buzzed before you head out. You’re welcome.
So with all that in mind, let’s see how many of these you’ve actually done:
You should have completed these in first year
1. Never have I ever been to pres at Pollock.
2. Never have I ever had the Teviot nachos.
3. Never have I ever had a barbecue on Portobello beach.
4. Never have I ever got drunk off tinnies in The Meadows.
5. Never have I ever watched a match at The Pear Tree.

Let’s be honest, you were only there for the vibes
6. Never have I ever stood in the cold for two hours waiting for the Teviot Christmas lights to switch on.
7. Never have I ever been to Nile Valley.
8. Never have I ever been to Africano Wrap Place.
9. Never have I ever had a noise complaint from the neighbours/RAs.
10. Never have I ever come back from a night out with a traffic cone, and made it a permanent feature of the flat.

Souvenirs from a great night out
These are definite bucket list items
11. Never have I ever been kicked out of Big Cheese.
12. Never have I ever gone to the Morningside Waitrose and had the best time ever.
13. Never have I ever got off with a yah.
14. Never have I ever seen Mr Spock the cat in Marchmont.
15. Never have I ever done an all-nighter in the Main Library.

Extra points if you wore a Big Cheese t-shirt
16. Never have I ever completed Hive-Till-Five.
17. Never have I ever paid £4 delivery for McDonald’s because Princes Street is just too far away.
18. Never have I ever submitted an Edifess/Edi Love Letters.
19. Never have I ever spotted an Edi celeb – such as Peter Sawkins or Nayna Florence.
20. Never have I ever felt peer pressured into buying flares, a tote bag and a Chilly’s bottle.

And why aren’t you in uniform?
We’re getting slightly more spicy
21. Never have I ever made it into Clubbers of the Week, but for the wrong reasons.
22. Never have I ever got off with a Napier student.
23. Never have I ever got off with a Heriott-Watt student.
24. Never have I ever forgot the walls are way too thin/you can hear everything from the stairs and bitched about someone.
25. Never have I ever vommed after one too many venoms.

Beautiful yet deadly
26. Never have I ever matched with a course mate on Tinder and then had the most awkward tutorials.
27. Never have I ever committed flatcest. The ONE rule.
28. Never have I ever hogged the pole at Gari’s because you’re just too sexy.
29. Never have I ever tried to pick a fight with the Cowgate bouncers and ended up with a two-week ban.
30. Never have I ever shagged in Appleton Tower.
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