Edinburgh BNOC of the Year 2022: Round One
It’s time for the most culturally significant event of the year
We asked you know who is always on Matchmaking Mondays, who gets written about on Edifess, who is best mates with every bouncer in Edinburgh, and who can’t be seen in Pollock without having fans roll out a red carpet for them while they smoke their pre-dinner blem outside the JMCC.
We asked, you answered. We thank you for your service, as here at the Tab Edinburgh we have no doubt that this is truly news everyone wants to know about.
We got hundreds of BNOC submissions. Hundreds of weird stories, from Pollock yah fulfilling stereotypes to a unique insight into the ski trip drama (one of our favourite Edi news events of this year).
But not everyone can be awarded the prestigious title of BNOC.
So for round one here are your nominees!
Hope Conway, Third Year, Sociology and Politics
Hope is known for achieving something that most of us can only aspire to, getting banned from Edifess. In her own words she “took a big fat ban in October but still get recognised as Edifess girl on a regular basis, my record is six times in two hours”.
Could you be the one to vote for Hope so that instead of being recognised as Edifess girl she can take on her new role as BNOC girl?
Hugo Oglin, Fourth Year, Sports and Recreational Management
According to his friends, Hugo features on Matchmaking Monday on a weekly basis, and is referred to as “the short Italian rower on library’s fourth floor”. He told us that whilst he’s been made aware of his newfound popularity on Monday Matchmaking he doesn’t check to see how often he appears on there. If he doesn’t win BNOC he will win the most humble BNOC of the year *heart eyes*.
He enjoys coffee with the boys and procrastinating in the library (don’t we all).
Already claiming the title of BNIMM (Biggest Name in Monday Matchmaking), could Hugo take the BNOC crown as well?
Rupert McMinn, Fourth Year, History of Art
If you didn’t know Rupert from his work at EUCFS (he is head of make-up, it doesn’t get more BNOC-worthy than this), you may know him from Cowgate, as he told The Tab: “If you know me from Cowgate, no you don’t”. We can only wonder what this means, but we’re sure it’s nothing short of BNOC activities.
We can also reveal that Rupert has been seen sporting a t-shirt with his own face on it for his trips to the library and has hired a party bus for his birthday – they say confidence is key in politics, but is it enough to secure your votes?
Fiona Gray, Fifth Year, Fine Art and Art History
We can almost guarantee that you know Fiona from somewhere. She is president of the History of Art Society, been on the student council, shortlisted for a Student Award for Commitment and a rep for final year art students. She is often found in the art studio, known by both students and staff – a BNOC of the people. Why has Fiona done more in one year at uni than I have done in three?
If you don’t recognise her, then you may have seen her in drag – for Halloween, she dressed up as a drag queen. Quite literally queen behaviour… But is it BNOC behaviour? You tell us.
So without further ado the time has come to vote for you BNOC for round one, and remember the person who wins this round will face off against the other round winners in the final!
Plus if you want a sneaky extra vote be sure to head to our Instagram and vote via our story!
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