Edinburgh BNOC of the Year 2022: Round two
Things are really ramping up now!
Hundreds of votes later, we’ve secured our first BNOC round winner – want to know who it is? You’ve got some more voting to do yet. Round one was just the beginning. We’ve got four more BNOC contenders coming your way because it’s time for round two of Edi Uni’s BNOC of the year 2022.
You can vote for your second favourite BNOC nominee at the end of this article, but make sure you’re following our Instagram as we’ll be posting even more juicy info about this year’s nominees. We’ll also be having voting on our stories – this means you can cast two whole votes because there is no such thing as too much democracy.
Without further ado, here are your next batch of BNOCs:
Momoko Eliot, Second Year, History of Art
You may recognise Momoko from Sneaky’s. Actually, no, we can almost guarantee you know Momoko from Sneaky’s. She may have been passed out while she was there but trust us she was there. Once on the way home, she stripped off all her clothes in her flat hallway, hence her christening as Momoko “The Stripper” Eliot – for legal reasons we must point out that she is not affiliated with the Public Triangle…
If not, you may have. seen here climbing on men like a koala at Big Cheese (her words, not ours). As head of digital marketing at EUTV, Momoko is not shy to a wild society social.
Think she’s got enough to secure your vote? Vote for Momoko below and on our Insta!
Hannah Maroof, Third Year, Genetics
When we asked Hannah why she thinks she is BNOC title worthy she replied “not sure wtf is going on just happy to be here”. Seems we’ve got another humble contender this year because we are sure you’ve seen Hannah around campus.
As well as a cheerleader, Hannah also has something she’s proud to chant out loud: she’s got a Tesco Metro tattoo to honour her love for the Tesco here in Edi. Forget relationship drama, now that is an Edi Love Letter I want to read.
Could Hannah be adding a BNOC tattoo to her body? Vote for her and maybe we’ll find out.
(Tattoo proof provided, thanks Hannah).
Lewis Hendry, Fourth Year, Mechanical Engineering with Management
Lewis was submitted as the “King of the Fourth Floor” because he can’t go five minutes without bumping into anyone he knows. Forget studying, sounds like the library is the place for networking for Lewis.
If you don’t recognise him from the library, he may have saved you from drowning – he is a lifeguard at Pleasance. Popular and knows CPR? It doesn’t get more dreamy than this.
King of the Fourth Floor is a pretty bold title, but if you think Lewis has what it takes be sure to cast your two votes!
Jacca Robertson, Third Year, Philosophy
The man, the myth, the… Son of God? If you did a double-take at this image, you’re not alone. Most people who know Jacca know him as Jesus due to his uncanny resemblance.
“I fundamentally love most people so I want to spend as much time with as many people as possible”, Jacca told The Tab Edinburgh. SPreading good vibes all around, he really is the epitome of righteousness. If this wasn’t enough, he represents the LB library society during the exam season at Edi. If he doesn’t win BNOC, he will certainly win the most wholesome person in Edi.
Make sure to vote below!
[polldaddy poll=11121960]
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