Seven healthy new year’s resolutions you need to make and not break
Christmas is over, it’s time to get fit
Christmas is over. You’ve spent the last two weeks over-eating and casually drinking every single day, so now it’s time to start looking after yourself better.
You can’t keep living like this
Collective guilt inspires practically everyone to make some sort of health-based new year’s resolution, but so many of these fall by the wayside by April.
Rather than committing to something either too ambitious (running a mile every day) or too expensive (hello, personal trainer), here are seven easily achievable healthy new year’s resolutions that will make a HUGE difference to your 2015.
1. Register with a GP
Seriously, how have you not done this yet? Register as soon as possible and when you do actually fall ill getting to see a doctor will be much, much easier.
Dr Simon Stockill, Medical Director at NHS Leeds West CCG, said: “It’s important students register with a GP practice in Leeds.
“They can download the Leeds Student Health app on iTunes or Google Play, where they will be able to search for a GP practice within their area. Or, they can visit the NHS Choices website (www.nhs.uk).
“All they need to do is use the service search function on the site, type in their postcode and find the most convenient GP practice based on where they live or study.”
2. If you’ve never been before, try going to the gym
Go to the gym and you might even bump into Clooney
A lot of people that don’t go to the gym avoid it because they assume it’s not a place for them. That it will be an intimidating, unpleasant experience surrounded by an army of Adonis-esque physiques sneering at their puny muscle mass.
It’s not like that at all, but you won’t find out for sure unless you try. Go once, see what you think, and try to find a workout that you’re comfortable with.
3. Join a running group (or make one with friends)
Not everyone’s cut out to run a marathon
Trying to find the motivation to go running can be tricky when you’re on your own, especially when the weather is shit. Joining a running group helps make exercise a bit more social, and is a far more flexible commitment than signing up for a future half-marathon.
4. Drink more water
Costs you nothing
Staying hydrated can make a massive difference to your health in general, so start carrying a bottle of the clear stuff with you around campus. As long as you don’t have to keep awkwardly leaving lectures halfway through for a wee break, you’ll be fine.
5. Walk whenever possible
Stop relying on taxis, buses or your mate’s car to get you around, and grab some extra exercise by walking from A to B instead. Unless the journey is going to take you over an hour (or you’re in a rush!) there’s no reason you can’t make that journey on foot.
This does become a tricky resolution to follow when it rains though, so maybe buy an umbrella.
6. Stop watching TV in bed
Move that TV away from the bed
If you’re one of those people who stays up until the early hours of the morning catching up on Game of Thrones/Made in Chelsea/Orange is the New Black while lying in bed, stop it NOW.
Getting enough sleep is vital and it’s impossible to do if you’re up late staring at a screen as the blue light messes with your brain (true story).
7. Don’t eat anything after 8pm
Eat your big meals earlier in the evening
Okay, the occasional late dinner is fine, but in general it’s a good idea to try and finish eating earlier rather than later. Midnight treats and late-night kebabs can have a horrendous effect on your health, as the body is beginning to shut down for the night and doesn’t process the food as efficiently. Give yourself a cut-off time and stick to it, even if you get peckish.