Interview with a Leeds bouncer: Tiger Tiger
Leeds Bouncers – you either love them or you hate them. We chatted with the Tiger Tiger doormen to find out what they really think of us.
They keep the zoo animals calm while they queue to get in the infamous Tiger Tiger on a Friday night.
Leeds Bouncers – you either love them or you hate them. We chatted with the Tiger Tiger doormen to find out what they really think of us.
John and Lee
35 and 27
Are you in relationship?
John: I’m engaged.
Lee: I have a girlfriend
Describe yourselves in 3 words.
John: Bald, ugly and seedy
Lee: Friendly, happy and scary
Which gym are you a member of?
John: Total Combat
Lee: South Leeds Health Centre
What do you like to do in your free time?
John: Don’t get that much free time. I teach martial arts as well
Lee: Bit of training, relaxing…
Who are more badly behaved? Boys or girls?
John: Girls!
Lee: Girls!
Do you get a lot of girls flirting with you?
John: Sometimes they flirt to try and get in.
Lee: Occasionally.
Do you find a lot of drugs?
John: Not at this venue.
Lee: No, not at all.
Would you say you are a big softy beneath that burley exterior?
John: Yes.
Lee: Definitely!
Best/worst club you have ever worked at in Leeds?
Lee: Tiger Tiger is the best…Mission is the worst.
General opinion of students, friends or foe?
John: Most of them are all right.
Lee: Bit of both, I would say friends mostly.
Worst and weirdest situation you have ever come across?
John: Once I found a male and female couple in the toilets unconscious in their own faeces and vomit, on a student night. I passed it on to the manager.
Are you mates with other bouncers? Is there a cool bouncer gang?
John: Lot of my mates are bouncers.
Lee: Yes, I have lots of bouncer friends. Not exactly like a bouncer gang…
Are someone’s looks ever dependent on whether you let someone into your club?
John: In terms of whether they are attractive or not, no. That doesn’t have any bearing on whether I let them in.
Lee: Not physical looks, but if they are looking a bit… *I mouth dodgy and he nods* …then maybe.
John: Three tribal symbols, on my arm, shoulder and back.
Lee: I have two, a tribal one on my arm and my name.
Did you have a lot of ‘Bouncer’ training?
John: It is mandatory to get a badge, you have to be licenced to work.
Lee: I had 2 weeks of training to get my badge.
Have you ever felt intimidated by another club goer?
John: A guy once had a meat cleaver down his pants; he told the police he was meeting a butcher, which was ridiculous as it was midnight on a Sunday night. I had to grab it and push him away.
Lee: Yes. A guy once threatened us with a knife. Nothing happened, we just dealt with it, that’s what they teach us in training.
Rudest thing a club goer has ever said to you?
John: I get called a bald wanker quite often.
Lee: The worst you can imagine. There is such a big list – we get it the whole time.
Which super hero would you be?
John: Batman
Lee: Superman
Super power?
John: Ability to control time
Lee: Definitely invisibility
Tiger Tiger seems to be a little tame, so next time I’m heading to Mission where the true animals come out to play.
If you have any scandalous bouncer-stories you would like to share please email [email protected]