Spiders nest discovered on Essentials bananas
They don’t look very a-peeling
Horrified third-years found a spiders’ nest on a bunch of bananas in Essentials yesterday.
Staff in the union shop were reportedly “freaked out” by the una-peeling fruit.
This could mean that an arachnid menace is getting ready to lay waste to Leeds university.
This is the latest discovery after it was revealed the eggs found on a bunch of Tesco’s bananas two months ago could have left hapless customers with an erection for four hours.
Geographer Megan Haslam found the creepy crawly condo whilst popping to the shop with her fellow third-year Charlotte Falvey.
Megan said: “Charlotte threw them down at first, obviously, but then we went back to get them and handed them in.
“The girl at the till got really freaked out cause she’d read in the news that Tesco sold bananas with deadly Brazilian spiders in. Then she sort of just put them to the side.”
Essentials’ banana slip-up has cost them two customers. They won’t even be able to give away fruit to Megan and Charlotte.
Megan said: “We’re never buying fruit from essentials again and we’ve made the entire house inspect the bananas we had in the fridge.
“There could potentially deadly spiders hatching all over the union right now.”
A spokesperson for Essentials said: “Our fresh produce is checked regularly, but on the rare occasion that an item is marked or below customer standards, we ask that students report this to a staff member.
“On this occasion the banana was passed over to a member of the Essentials team who although they didn’t think the mark looked like a spider’s web, disposed of the banana according to our procedures.”
Be on your guard, the eight-legged critters could make an appearance at Fruity Fly Days.