Leeds’ fittest freshers: The boys
Feast your eyes on these guys
Roll up, roll up, and place your votes. We asked for your fittest freshers, and you weren’t shy with your nominations.
But alas, only one of these fine specimens can take home the trophy of Leeds’ most eligible fresher.
Who will it be? You decide.
Zac Danson, Carnegie Village, Business Information Technology
“He loves going out, can drink anyone under the table and is always down for a laugh.”
Oliver Jones, Henry Price, International Business
“My friend Oliver Jones is constantly reminding me of his looks and carries the scent of hairspray everywhere he goes as not one strand of hair can go out of place. (But I guess if you’re getting a haircut every week it shouldn’t).
“He is constantly telling me on nights out that he can pull a girl by just staring into their eyes, although he seems to go for more shall we say bold girls in the club… So this is finally the chance for me and my flatmates to put his looks to the test and see if he truly is as good looking as he says.”
Ben Yusuf, The Tannery, Nursing
Ben Supple, The Tannery, Psychology
“As sharp and edgy as his own chiseled jawline, watch out – this guy will cut your heart in two.”
Kai Steemers, James Baillie Park, Religion Politics and Society
“There’s no doubt he is Leeds’ fittest fresher. Please give him the confidence he needs and deserves.”
George Dunleavy, Ellerslie Global Residence, French and German
“When moving to uni, there’s always a worry about making sure you’ve got everything, from appropriate bedding to kitchen knives… However, when you have cheek bones as sharp as George, who needs knives? These combined with his baby blue eyes make him a perfect candidate for Leeds’ fittest fresher.”
Patrick Ashby, The Tannery, Medicine
“A Serbian who often plays tennis, he is renowned around not only Leeds, but the world for his on court prowess. The same prowess is rumoured to follow into the bedroom and there have been various accounts of him serving aces to any and every girl he meets at Fruity.”
Ryan Wolff, Charles Morris, Medicine
“This rugby playing medic doesn’t just feed goats, he feeds many a girl’s cravings. All round good boy Ryan can often be found in the Health Sciences library. He is also known to use his guitar playing skills to serenade the opposite gender after a good night in Beaverworks. Plus, he’s a medic.”
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(Note: all entrants were either self-nominated or nominated by friends)