Leeds Uni WiFi is down after cyber attack

Don’t they know it’s deadline week?

A nationwide cyber attack has left Leeds Uni without internet.

The problems began due to Janet, the publicly funded computer network which also maintains the Portal, being hacked.

The loss of signal has left hapless students struggling to access essay results and submit assessments.

The network issues have caused mass inconvenience across campus, especially with Christmas deadlines looming and third years having dissertation deadlines this week.

Sociology fresher Joseph White said: “This is ridiculous, I get that it is not their fault but the WiFi going down during a week when I’ve got three deadlines is too much.

“How am I supposed to submit stuff otherwise?”

An error message quoted by a professor in an email to students reads: “The University is experiencing disruption to the network.

“Users may be unable to access the VLE off campus, and some services within the VLE will be inaccessible or degraded.”

Third year Broadcast Journalism student Emily Wilson added: “I’m so annoyed because I was supposed to be getting my essay mark back today.

“We’ve been waiting three weeks for these marks and even the lecturers are getting annoyed because they’ve taken the time to mark them as well.”

History third year Jake Leigh-Howarth said: “I haven’t got any deadlines but this is still pissing me off.

“How am I meant to play stick cricket on Miniclip without internet?”